At the turn of the risk of damage caused by negligence and careless use of candles and fireworks is great. The more important it is to have an appropriate insurance cover. To the Consumer Association of Thuringia has drawn attention.
Household insurance covers up to the agreed sum insured basically all damages to household use by the insured caused by fire, explosion, theft by burglary, vandalism, storm or tap water. Begin for example by burning candles, the fire curtain, this is a case for home insurance, said the consumer center. However, the victim could not have acted with gross negligence. Then it could happen that the insurance company pays a cent. Whether culpable conduct exists and to what extent, should be examined in each individual case.
For homeowners a homeowners insurance is essential. You replace the damage caused eg by exploding firecrackers at the building. Whether the conservatory, the awning or the mailbox are also included, depends on whether they are covered by insurance protection.
Who at the big New Year's Eve party at the neighbor's apartment can go to some fraction, should have taken precautions with private insurance. This insurance replaces primarily damages the others were added at fault.
When New Year's Eve fireworks, the car is damaged, the polluter-like with his first personal liability, provided that the damage was not caused deliberately. Can not be found out who is responsible for the damage, just stay the course for your own car insurance. The partial coverage essentially pays for fire, theft and glass breakage on the car. The fully comprehensive, however also bear the risk of vandalism.
Who is hurt and even Christmas or New Year's Eve needs medical treatment, receives them as usual in the context of its health insurance. The personal accident insurance is to contact when you are injured while handling fireworks and it bears lasting damage.