Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pitting only half pipe replacement

Dinslaken. Standing water damage shook a homeowners association in Hiesfeld. An eleven-year history of suffering

When it comes to water pipe breaks, the owners have a say of the five-family house on the road 83 in Sterkrader Hiesfeld more than just a word. However, while they sit back relax right now: Because of the variety of water damage has made the household have all copper pipes torn from the walls and replace them with plastic composite pipes.

The house was built in 1992, eight years later was the first water pipe through. The damage to the Nitz family hid as it were hidden in a wall. "It smelled weird Sun At first we thought our daughter would have somewhere an old banana, until we find the location behind the cabinet "says Norbert Nitz. It soon overtook the other apartment owners, quickly had each to tell his own story-line rupture. The damage had the same pattern: the thin copper pipe was eaten by a distance of more than 20 cm from the brazed fitting composite body. The damage affected only cold water pipes. And behind every claim there is a story; been knocked about by walls, down running water, gas leak detection by drying or by employees of companies who are called by their first names now. Dinslaken that a "pitting stronghold" is available for the owners out of the question. Whether in the gym, on the birthday or elsewhere: Everywhere the subject is present, almost everyone has that experience.

Insurance premiums rose
The ongoing damage reports were for the Hiesfelder Community, but also with a view of the house insurance is not without consequences. Meanwhile, the household at the third insurer, the premiums increased since the first loss of € 700 to 2200 last year. In addition, the current insurance requires a deductible of 2500 €. In order to regulate itself so many claims

In 2008, the pipe burst frequency increased significantly again to tell the owner. "When we had to start 2010, seven feet across the room floor, I was sure: This is it," says owner Peter Zündorf. The decision was made between a procedure, the old pipes with a resin to line the inside and a complete replacement. As the prices of both methods are highly noisy Zündorf in about the same, it was decided to remove the old copper pipes and composite pipes completely (outside plastic, then aluminum, the inside back plastics) to replace. The other apartment owners decided to replace the copper pipes.

A costly affair, as is often accompanied by more than 20 years, the complete renovation of the bathroom so went. The old tiles were not replaced, designs were changed. After about one and a half years of planning and implementation of housing for the apartment house is now finished.

Nevertheless, the owners would naturally like to know what it is because that very often in Dinslaken pitting (pitting) occurs. In the given order of the public utility reports the IWW, which does not see a connection with the nanofiltration plant (reported NRZ), the Hiesfeld not enough anyway. Also they do not believe that craftsmen would have been included in the mass Dinslaken something differently than elsewhere. "Because in the surrounding towns do not occur so long since a lot of damage is not fixed for me: There must be something with the copper and the water - perhaps even from before - have to do," says owner Norbert Nitz.